Home Request an Appointment at ICON Eyecare

Book Your Visit in Minutes!

Book your comprehensive exam or refractive consultation in just a few clicks, avoiding the need to fill out and submit our standard request appointment form.

Just click the relevant link or button below for either of those appointment types. You may also use our standard appointment request form for all ophthalmology visit types.

If your eye doctor has referred you to ICON Eyecare for a medical or cataract appointment, please  click here.

Book Your Visit in Minutes!

Book your comprehensive exam or refractive consultation in just a few clicks, avoiding the need to fill out and submit our standard request appointment form.

Just click the relevant link or button below for either of those appointment types. You may also use our standard appointment request form for all ophthalmology visit types.

If your eye doctor has referred you to ICON Eyecare for a medical or cataract appointment, please  click here.

  • Comprehensive Exam

    A comprehensive/routine exam consists of a vision test, eye pressure check, and a dilated medical exam.


    Schedule Exam
  • Refractive Consultation

    A refractive consult evaluates your candidacy for LASIK, PRK, ICL, or RLE surgery. Consult includes dilation.


    Schedule Refractive Exam
  • Request Other Appointment

    Fill out the form below for all appointment types, including Cataract Evaluations and all medical eye care appointments.


    Request Appointment

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