

No events hosted in January 2024.

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

July 23, 2020: Uveitis Cases and Treatments (part 2), Eva Kim, M.D., Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



February 15, 2024: Round Table at 240 Union Restaurant – Education on MIGS and Corneal Cross-Linking

Past Events

February 2, 2021: Uveitis Cases and Treatments (Part 3), Eva Kim, M.D., Virtual CE

February 19, 2020: Live XEN Surgery and Lecture, Katie Goldhair, M.D.

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

August 18, 2022: Women in Optometry (WIO) Annual Dinner, Perdida

August 18, 2020: Advanced Cataract Surgery in 2020, David Litoff, M.D. and Eva Kim, M.D., Live Panoptix Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

March 24, 2021: Opioid Education, Laura Hurst, RN/BSN, Virtual CE

March 6, 2020: Women In Optometry (WIO) Dinner, AMBLI DTC
March 27, 2020: Updates on Keratoconus, David Litoff, M.D., Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

April 27, 2023: LASIK: Wavelight Contoura Technology
April 12, 2022: Complications Seen in Cataract Post-Op Care
April 17, 2021: Community Event – Von’s Vision
April 3, 2020: Opioid Education, Laura Hurst, RN, Virtual CE
April 10, 2020: Uveitis, Eva Kim, M.D., Virtual CE
April 16, 2020: Weathering the Storm – How to Navigate Re-opening post-COVID Closure
April 17, 2020: ICL, Eva Kim, M.D., Virtual CE
April 22, 2020: Everything You Wanted to Know About Eyelids, Carrie Morris, M.D., Virtual CE
April 24, 2020: Advanced Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Loan Ramsey, M.D., Virtual CE
April 29, 2020: OCT Pitfalls in Glaucoma Diagnosis, Katie Goldhair, M.D., Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

October 6, 2023: Women In Optometry at Barolo Grill – Education of the EVO ICL

October 23, 2023: Round Table at Fogo De Chao – Education on LAL’s
October 21, 2022: Co-Management and Global Surgery Considerations, presented in partnership with Corcoran Consulting Group, Virtual CE
October 6, 2020: Women in Optometry (WIO) Dinner, Avanti, North Denver
October 20, 2020: Glaucoma: The Pressure Is On. Visual Field interpretation, Katie Goldhair, M.D., Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

May 13, 2020: Advancements in Glaucoma Updates, Katie Goldhair, M.D., Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

November 11, 2023: Keratoconus and Cross-Linking: In-Person CE
November 8, 2022:Eyelid Malpositions and Lesions: Diagnosis and Treatment, Virtual CE
November 17, 2020: SLT First Line of Defense, David Litoff, M.D. and Daniel McGeHee, O.D., Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events

Past Events

June 29, 2021: Dry Eye Causes and Treatments: Prepping the Cornea Before Cataract Surgery, Katie Goldhair, M.D., Virtual CE
June 11, 2020: Corneal Cross-Linking, Virtual CE

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.



Check back for upcoming events.

Past Events

December 3, 2022: Update on ICL Surgery: Pre-, Surgical, and Post-Op Care
December 2, 2021: Corneal Crosslinking: Diagnosis, Care and Treatment Options for the Keratoconus Patient
December 4, 2020: Virtual Happy Hour Discussing Vivety
December 8, 2020: Virtual Sip and Paint with Women in Optometry (WIO)

For more information on events please email amanda.vazquez@iconeyecare.com.