Getting to Know Today’s Most Advanced LASIK Lasers

At ICON Eyecare, we employ the very latest in laser technology to deliver the highest possible level of care and value to our patients. Here’s an inside look at our lasers.
Most people know that LASIK surgery involves lasers, but far fewer are familiar with how the procedure actually works. Simply put, a LASIK surgeon uses what’s known as an “excimer laser” to reshape the cornea so that it properly refracts light, effectively correcting a variety of refractive errors including astigmatism, nearsightedness (myopia), and farsightedness (hyperopia).
However, not all lasers used in a LASIK procedure serve the same purpose. Recent technological advances have provided eye surgeons with a wide assortment of specialized lasers, helping them tailor the procedure to each particular patient.
Just as a chef uses different knives to cut certain foods, our team at ICON relies on a broad array of lasers to provide the best service for you. To help you prepare for your procedure, we’ll outline some of the benefits of our preferred lasers:
CATALYS Precision Femtosecond Cataract Laser
The CATALYS Precision Femtosecond Cataract Laser is an ultra high-speed laser that’s specifically designed for laser cataract surgery and certain forms of LASIK. Emitting up to one quadrillion pulses of light per second, it features a revolutionary image guidance system that makes it extraordinarily precise.
IntraLase iFS
The IntraLase iFS is an innovative, fifth-generation femtosecond laser that’s primarily used to form flaps in the cornea during LASIK. Since it’s a partially automated instrument, it helps surgeons make exact incisions, further reducing the already minimal risk of complications.
Zeimer FEMTO LDV Crystal Line
Like the IntraLase IFS, the Zeimer FEMTO LDV Crystal Line is another femtosecond laser that eliminates the need to use blades. Aside from LASIK, this high-end tool can also be used to create pockets for presbyopic inlays or form circular tunnel incisions for intrastromal ring segments.
NIDEK Advanced EC-5000 NAVEX Laser
As one of the most widely used lasers on the market, the NIDEK Advanced EC-5000 NAVEX Laser has been trusted with more than three million procedures around the world. ICON Eyecare has one of the only NIDEK CATZ platforms in Colorado, allowing us to harness its topography-guided NAVwave system for extremely exact vision correction.
VISX S4 Wavefront Laser
Everyone’s eyes are slightly different, so specialized lasers have been developed to work on specific eye shapes. The VISX S4 Wavefront laser is the gold standard for surgeons working with patients with thinner corneas, since it can still produce an extremely smooth surface.
Which Laser Is Right for Me?
Every LASIK procedure takes into account the unique shape and conditions of the patient’s eyes. With such a wide range of lasers on hand, we at ICON Eyecare are better able to correct vision and improve the quality of life for a wider range of patients. Because we own all of our own lasers, we’re able to pass the savings on to you, reducing the cost of surgery by up to $800 per eye compared to centers that rent their equipment.
If you’re curious about LASIK, our team at ICON Eyecare offers prospective patients complimentary consultations. During your appointment, your eye care professional will thoroughly examine your eyes and devise a procedure that’s suited to your eyes. Call today at 720-524-1001 or visit us online to start on the path to better vision!