How LASIK Can Help Correct Farsightedness

LASIK in 2020 is a Flexible Vision Correction Solution with Many Applications to Meet Our Patients’ Needs
We’ve come a long way from the early 1990s when LASIK was first providing a new way to correct patients’ vision. Advances have significantly improved the speed and comfort of the healing process and provided ways to customize correction to meet many patients’ specific conditions including farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK eye surgery in Colorado is a versatile tool, applied by our eye care experts at ICON Eyecare, some of the top eye doctors in Colorado.
Is LASIK Good for Farsightedness?
There are several answers to this question. For young adult patients, LASIK can correct for farsightedness, called hyperopia, by providing better focus at near distances such as reading, for computer use, and also at a distance. Patients over about 40 experience presbyopia, age-related farsightedness that shifts their focus making it difficult to see and read close up, while their distance vision remains good. Many older patients select monovision LASIK correction, with one eye providing near vision and the other handling far vision, with some overlap.
Can LASIK correct for nearsightedness and farsightedness at the same time?
As a group of the top eye doctors in Colorado, we pride ourselves on meeting our patients’ specific needs. The common LASIK solution for presbyopia is called “monovision,” using a combination of far and near vision correction in separate eyes which combine for wide-range focus. Patients who engage in activities that require high-performance 3D vision such as tennis or motorcycle riding and those who work with small parts in close range may find this solution somewhat less ideal. In those cases, however, we can provide corresponding glasses or prescription sunglasses for occasional use to enhance near or far vision as needed. We are creative experts in providing the best vision correction solution for your lifestyle using LASIK surgery in Colorado.
What age is ideal for LASIK?
We consider younger patients for LASIK starting at 18, because that is the approximate time when their vision stabilizes as adults. Beyond that, adults of any age can be candidates for LASIK surgery in Colorado, subject to a medical evaluation to check for certain risk factors such as glaucoma, dry eye, and existing corneal concerns. The ideal age, though, would be about 20-40 years old, when patients’ eyes are in their best condition.
Talk to the Top Eye Doctors in Colorado About a Custom LASIK Procedure to Meet Your Vision Needs
If you’re looking for specialized LASIK surgery in Colorado, the doctors at ICON Eyecare can help you optimize your vision for your favorite activities including reading, outdoor activities, and computer work. Give us a call for a consultation at 720-524-1001.